

16- Peral, M., Marchegiano, M., Verheyden, S., Goderis, S., Van Helden, T., Vanhaecke, F., Van Acker, T., Jia, X., Cheng, H., Fiebig, J., Fourcade, T., Snoeck, C., Claeys, P. 2024. A new insight of the MIS 3 Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in western Europe from the study of a Belgium isotopically equilibrated speleothem. Quaternary Science Reviews, 329, 108564. 

15- Marchegiano, M., Peral, M., Venderickx, J., Martens, K., García‐Alix, A., Snoeck, C., Goderis, S., & Claeys, P. 2024. The ostracod clumped‐isotope thermometer: A novel tool to accurately quantify continental climate changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(4), e2023GL107426. 

14- P. Kaskes, M. Marchegiano, M. Peral, S. Goderis, Ph. Claeys. Hot carbonates deep within the Chicxulub impact structure. 2024. PNAS nexus, 3(1), pgad414. 

13- M. Marchegiano, M. Peral, J. Venderickx, K. Martens, A. García-Alix, C. Snoeck, S. Goderis, Ph. Claeys. 2024. The ostracod clumped-isotope thermometer: A novel tool to reconstruct quantitative continental climate changes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 625, 118470. 

12- Hodell, D.A., Abrantes, F., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., and the Expedition 397 Scientists, 2023. Expedition 397 Preliminary Report: Iberian Margin Paleoclimate. International Ocean Discovery Program.

11- C. Nehme, D. Todisco, S.F.M. Breitenbach, I. Couchoud, M. Marchegiano, M. Peral, H. Vonhof, J. Hellstrom, R. Tjalling, P. Claeys, L. Borrero, F. Martin. In review. Holocene hydroclimate variability along the Southern Patagonian margin (Chile) reconstructed from Cueva Chica speleothems. Global and Planetary Change

10- M. Peral, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, J. Bonnin, F. Jorissen, C. Kissel, E. Michel, C. Waelbroeck, H. Rebaubier, W. Gray. In review. On the combination of the foraminiferal Mg/Ca, clumped and conventional stable isotope paleothermometers in palaeoceanographic studies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

9- D. De Vleeschouwer, M. Peral, M. Marchegiano, A. Füllberg, S. Goderis, N. Meinicke, B. Petrick, C. Snoeck, H. Pälike, P. Claeys.  In review. Plio-Pleistocene Perth Basin water temperatures and Leeuwin Current dynamics (Indian Ocean) derived by oxygen and clumped isotope paleothermometryClimate of the Past

8- M. Peral, W. Austin, R. Noormets. 2021. Indentification of Atlantic water inflow on the north Svalbard shelf during the Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science.

7- M. Peral, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron, F. Dewilde, S. Nomade, A. Girone, M. Marino, P. Maiorano, N. Ciaranfi. 2020. Changes in temperature and oxygen isotopic composition of Mediterranean water during the Mid- Pleistocene at Montalbano Jonico (southern Italy) using clumped-isotope thermometer. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 544, 109603

6- S. V. Petersen, W.F. Defliese, C. Saenger, M. Daëron, C. M. John, K. W. Huntington, J. R. Kelson, S. M. Bernasconi, A. S. Colman, T. Kluge, G. A. Olack, A. J. Schauer, D. Bajnai, M. Bonifacie, S. F. M. Breitenbach, J. Fiebig, A. B. Fernandez, G. A. Henkes, D. Hodell, A. Katz, S. Kele, K. C. Lohmann, B. H. Passey, M. Peral, D. A. Petrizzo, B. E. Rosenheim, A. Tripati, R. Venturelli, E. D. Young, U. Wacker and I. Z. Winkelstern. 2019. Effects of Improved 17O Correction on Inter-Laboratory Agreement in Clumped Isotope Calibrations, Estimates of Mineral- Specific Offsets, and Acid Fractionation Factor Temperature Dependence. Special Issue of Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 3495 - 3519

5- M. Daëron, R. N. Drysdale, M. Peral, D. Huyghe, D. Blamart, T. B. Coplen, F. Lartaud, G. Zanchetta. 2019. Most earth-surface calcites precipitate out of isotopic equilibrium. Nature Communication, 10, 429 

4- S. Nomade, F. Bassinot, M. Marino, Q. Simon, F. Dewilde, P. Maiorano, G. Isguder, D. Blamart, A. Girone, V. Scao, A. Pereira, F. Toti, A. Bertini, N. Combourieu-Nebout, M. Peral, D. L. Bourlès, P. Petrosino, S. Gallicchio and N. Ciaranfi. 2019. High-resolution foraminifer stable isotope record of MIS 19 at Montalbano Jonico, southern Italy: a window into Mediterranean climatic variability during a low-eccentricity interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews, 205, 106-125 

3- M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, F. Dewilde, N. Smialkowski, G. Isguder, J. Bonnin, F. Jorissen, C. Kissel, E. Michel, N. Vázquez Riveiros, C. Waelbroeck. 2018. Updated calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer in planktonic and benthic foraminifera. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 239, 1-16

2- Y. Mary, F. Eynaud, C. Colin, L. Rossignol, S. Brocheray, M. Mojtahid, J. Garcia, M. Peral, H. Howa, S. Zaragosi, and M. Cremer. 2017. Changes in Holocene meridional circulation and poleward Atlantic flow: the Bay of Biscay as a nodal point. Climate of the Past, 13, 201-216

1- M. Daëron, D. Blamart, M. Peral, H.P. Affek. 2016. Absolute isotopic abundance ratios and the accuracy of Δ47 measurements. Chemical Geology, 442, 83-96 


2024: Reconstructions of paleotemperatures: the contribution of clumped isotopes to our understanding of past climatic processes – Example of MD96-2048. EPOC, University of Bordeaux, France

2023: Application of carbonate clumped isotopes. College Station, Texas, USA

2023: Results of IODP Expedition 397 for the IODP-France Days. IPGP, Paris, France

2022: The contribution of clumped isotopes to Quaternary carbonates. ENS Lyon, France

2021: Methodological review of clumped isotopes and a new proxy combination (Mg/Ca-Δ47-δ18O) for reconstructing past climate interactions. IFREMER, Brest, France

2020: Marine paleothermometry over the last 2 million years. VUB, Brussels, Belgium

2020: The effects of pH on clumped isotope measurements in foraminifera. LSCE, University of Paris-Saclay, France

2019: The clumped isotope thermometer in foraminifera: methodology and application to the Middle Pleistocene transition. IFREMER and University of Brest, France

2019: Calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer in foraminifera and its application to the Middle Pleistocene in the Gulf of Taranto. EPOC, University of Bordeaux, France

2018: Calibration of clumped isotopes in planktonic and benthic foraminifera. CEREGE, Aix-Marseille University, France

2017: Clumped isotopes in foraminifera: methodology and calibration. University of Angers, France


Oral presentations

M Peral, M Marchegiano, S Verheyden, S Goderis, T. Van Helden, F. Vanhaecke, T. Van Acker, J. Xuexue, H. Cheng, J. Fiebig, T. Fourcade, C. Snoeck, Ph. Claeys. 2024. A new insight of the MIS 3 Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in western Europe from the study of a Belgium isotopically equilibrated speleothem. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

M. Peral, T. Caley, B. Malaizé, E. McClymont, T. Extier, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron. 2023. What do paleothermometers tell us about the mid-Pleistocene transition? INQUA, Rome, Italiy

Arriga, G., Claeys, P., Marchegiano, M., Peral, M., Rossetti, F., Cosentino, D., & Brilli, M. 2023. The long-term evolution of Monte Marine and Monte Pettino seismogenic faults: tectono-stratigraphic, isotopic, and chronological constraints. EGU, Vienna, Austria

M. Marchegiano, M. Peral, J. Venderickx, K. Martens, A. Garcia-Alix, Ph. Claeys. 2022. Clumped-isotope thermometer applied on ostracod shells: a new proxy to identify continental climate changes. IAL-IPA Lakes, Argentina

Doyle, R., Marchegiano, M., Peral, M., Goderis, S., García-Alix, A., Jiménez-Moreno, G., & Claeys, P. 2023. A continuous, centennial-scale lake record from southern Iberia captures fluctuations in effective moisture and temperature throughout the EemianMarta. EGU, Vienna, Austria

M. Peral, D. Blamart, M. Daëron, F. Bassinot, F. Dewilde, A. Villedieu, G. Isuder, L. Leroy, S. Nomade, M. Marino, P. Maiorano, A. Girone. 2019. Changes in seawater temperature and oxygen isotope composition of the Mediterranean basin during the Mid-Pleistocene transition. International Clumped-Isotope Workshop (ICIW), Los Angeles, USA.

M. Daëron, R.N. Drysdale, M. Peral, D. Huyghe, D. Blamart, L.A. Coogan, K.M. Gillis, T.B. Coplen, F. Lartaud, G.Zanchetta. 2019. Growth Rate Matters: Resolvable Δ47 Differences Between Fast-Precipitating Bio- Carbonates and Slow-Growing Inorganic Calcites, and Implications for the Interpretation of Clumped Isotopes in Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Carbonates from the Oceanic Crust. ICIW, Los Angeles, USA.

M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, F. Dewilde, N. Smialkowski, G. Isguder, J. Bonnin, F. Jorissen, C. Kissel, E. Michel, N. Vázquez Riveiros, C. Waelbroeck. 2018. Precise recalibration of clumped isotope thermometry applied to foraminifera. EGU, Vienna, Austria.

M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart and F. Bassinot. 2017. Clumped isotopes in foraminifer shells versus inorganic carbonates: testing for species and size effects. Goldschmitd, Paris, France

M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Marino, N. Ciaranfi, A. Girone, P. Maiorano. 2017. A new dataset of temperatures for the mid-Pleistocene transition via clumped isotope measurements in foraminifera at Montalbano Jonico (south of Italy) and the implication of local effect. PAGES-OSM, Saragosse, Spain

Poster Presentations

I. A. Müller, M. Peral, P. Nuriel and Ph. Claeys. 2024. Dolomite formation in Jurassic carbonate platforms of Southern Germany. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

J. Fiebig, C. Spötl, M. Markowska, G. Koltai, H. Vonhof, M. Peral, M. Bernecker, P. Staudigel, W. Guo. 2023. Dual clumped isotope thermometry opens speleothem archives for reliable and precise (paleo)temperature reconstructions. AGU23, San Francisco, USA

M Peral, M Marchegiano, S Verheyden, S Goderis, T. Van Helden, F. Vanhaecke, T. Van Acker, J. Xuexue, H. Cheng, Ph. Claeys. 2023. Belgium climate response to Dansgaard/Oeschger events: new speleothem records using elemental and isotopic (bulk and clumped isotopes) data from Han-sur-Lesse cave. INQUA, Rome, Italie 

P. Kaskes, M. Marchegiano, M. Peral, S. Goderis, Ph. Claeys. 2023. Hot carbonates deep within the Chicxulub impact structure as revealed by clumped isotope thermometry. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France 

R. M. Doyle, M, Marchegiano, M. Peral, S. Goderis, A. García-Alix, G. Jiménez-Moreno, J. Camuera, A. López-Avilés, Ph. Claeys. 2023. A new Eemian-aged reconstruction of temperature and effective moisture from Padul Wetland, Southern Iberia. Goldschmidt, Lyon, France

M Peral, M Marchegiano, S Verheyden, S Goderis, T. Van Helden, F. Vanhaecke, T. Van Acker, J. Xuexue, H. Cheng, Ph. Claeys. 2023. Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillation during the early MIS3 in Europe: evidence from a multi proxy (bulk & clumped stable isotopes and trace elements) speleothem record in Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium. EGU23, Vienna, Austria 

G. Arriga, M. Marchegiano, V. Argante, J. Zhang, P. Cipollari, D. Cosentino, M. Soligo, M. Peral, H. Hu, C. Shen, M. Brilli, Ph. Claeys, F. Rossetti. 2023. The long-term evolution of Monte Marine and Monte Pettino seismogenic faults: tectono-stratigraphic, isotopic, and chronological constraints. EGU23, Vienna, Austria

M. Marchegiano, M. Peral, J. Venderickx, K. Martens, A. García-Alix, S. Goderis, Ph. Claeys. 2023. The ostracod clumped-isotope thermometer: A new tool to quantify continental climate change. EGU23, Vienna, Austria

R. M. Doyle, M, Marchegiano, M. Peral, S. Goderis, A. García-Alix, G. Jiménez-Moreno, J. Camuera, A. López-Avilés, Ph. Claeys. 2023. A continuous, centennial-scale lake record from southern Iberia captures fluctuations in effective moisture and temperature throughout the Eemian. EGU23, Vienna, Austria 

M. Peral, T. Caley, B. Malaizé, F. Bassinot, D. Blamart, M. Daëron. 2022. Sea surface temperatures, salinity and pH reconstructions over the last 1,2 Ma in South Indian Ocean using the unique combination of Mg/Ca, d18O and ∆47 in planktonic foraminifera. GES, Zurich, Suisse 

M. Peral, T. Caley, B. Malaizé, E. McClymont, T. Extier, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron. 2022. What do paleothermometers tell us about the mid-Pleistocene transition? The combination of Mg/Ca, clumped (∆47) and conventional (d18O) stable isotope in planktonic foraminifera. ICP14, Bergen, Norway 

M. Peral, M. Marchegiano, S. Goderis, T. Van Acker, T. van Helden, F. Vanhaecke, J. Xue, H. Cheng, S. Verheyden, P. Claeys. 2022. Belgium climate response to Dansgaard/Oeschger events: new speleothems records using elemental and isotopic (bulk and clumped isotopes) data from Hans-sur-Lesse cave. ICIW, Jerusalem, Isreal

M. Peral, T. Caley, B. Malaizé, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron. 2022. What do paleothermometers tell us about the mid-Pleistocene transition? The combination of Mg/Ca, clumped (∆47) and conventional (d18O) stable isotope in planktonic foraminifera. GES, Zurich, Swiss

M. Peral, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, J. Bonnin, F. Jorissen, C. Kissel, E. Michel, C. Waelbroeck, H. Rebaubier, W. Gray. 2021. The contribution of the foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratio, clumped and conventional stable isotope paleothermometers combination for paleoceanographic studies: A new combination of proxy to reconstruct the seawater temperature, salinity and pH. Goldschmidt, online

M. Peral, T. Caley, B. Malaizé, E. McClymont, T. Extier, G. Isguder, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Daëron. 2021. SST reconstructions & salinity and pH effects, over the last 1.2 Ma in South Indian Ocean, using transfer function, Mg/Ca and ∆47 in foraminifera. EGU, online

R. Drysdale, M. Daëron, T. Pollard, F. Dux, M. Peral, D. Blamart, A. Greig, J.D. Woodhead, G. Zanchetta, I. Couchoud, J.C. Hellstrom, I. Isola, E. Regattieri. 2019. Paleotemperatures over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles from a subaqueous speleothem. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

M. Peral, D. Blamart, M. Daëron, F. Bassinot, F. Dewilde, A. Villedieu, G. Isuder, L. Leroy, S. Nomade, M. Marino, P. Maiorano and A. Girone. 2018. Temperature and Oxygen Isotope Composition Changes in the Mediterranean Sea during Sapropel Event of the "Super-Interglacial" MIS 31 Inferred From Clumped Isotope Thermometery. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, USA

M. Daëron, D. Blamart, M. Peral, R. Drysdale, T. Coplen, D. Huyghe, G. Zanchetta. 2018. Getting Better All the Time: How Well Do Recent Carbonate Clumped Isotope Calibrations Agree With Each Other? EGU, Vienna, Austria

M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart and F. Bassinot. 2017. Clumped isotopes in foraminifer shells versus inorganic carbonates: testing for species and size effects. ICIW, Paris, France

M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot, M. Marino, S. Nomade, N. Ciaranfi, F. Dewilde, A Girone, P. Maiorano, A Pereira and V. Scao. 2016. Relationship Between Clumped Isotope and Growth Temperature of Foraminifera: Methodology and Application to the Mid- Pleistocene Transition. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

M. Peral, M. Daëron, D. Blamart, F. Bassinot. 2016. Clumped isotope (∆47) of planktonic foraminifera: methodology and calibration. ICP12, Utrecht, Netherland

M. Peral, W. Austin, R. Noormets. 2015. Identification des entrées des masses d'eaux Atlantiques dans le nord du Svalbard (Arctique) à l'Holocène. Journées Climat & Impact, Université Paris-Saclay, France

M. Peral, W. Austin, R. Noormets. 2014. The response of benthic foraminifera to postglacial Atlantic water inflow on the north Svalbard shelf. TMS Texel, Netherland

M.-C. Gasparotto, S. Brocheray, F. Eynaud, L. Rossignol, M. Peral, F. Marret-Davies, Y. Mary, M.-H. Castéra, S. Zaragosi, M. Cremer. 2014. Holocene paleohydrological changes in the southern Bay of Biscay: new implements from planktonic microfossil assemblages. ISOBAY14, Bordeaux, France 

Presentations IODP exp. 397

Wu et al., 2024. Strength variability of the Mediterranean Outflow Water during late Quaternary: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 397 Site U1588. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

Huai-Hsuan et al., 2024. Body size variability of North Atlantic benthic fauna driven by bottom-water temperature and oxygen during late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

Argenio et al., 2024. Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic analyses throughout the MIS 5 interval: preliminary results from calcareous nannoplankton. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

Haygood et al., 2024. Investigating North Atlantic Deep-Water Ventilation Changes: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 397 Hole U1586A. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

Du et al., 2024. Late Pliocene onset of millennial climate variability during the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

Flores et al., 2024. Paleoproductivity and surface water dynamics evolution during the MIS 31 in the Shackleton Site as revealed Coccolithophores. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

Herbert et al., 2024. Precessional Climate Cyclicity on the Iberian margin: Miocene- recent. EGU24, Vienna, Austria

McMahon et al., 2023. How did the Mediterranean outflow vary in the last 30,000 years? AGU23, San Francisco, USA

Kim et al., 2023. North Atlantic Deep-Water Masses Throughout the Mid-Pleistocene Transition: Changes at Site U1587 on the Iberian Margin. AGU23, San Francisco, USA

Alvarez Zarikian et al., 2023. Co-evolution of Millennial and Orbital Climate Variability during the Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation in the late Pliocene AGU23, San Francisco, USA

Invited presentations

2024: Les reconstructions des paléo-températures : l'apport des clumped isotopes dans notre compréhension des processus climatiques passés – exemple de la MD96-2048. EPOC, Université de Bordeaux, France

2023: Application of carbonate clumped isotope. College Station, Texas, USA

2023: Résultats de l'expédition IODP 397 pour les journées IODP-France. IPGP, Paris, France

2022: L'apport du clumped isotope dans les carbonates du Quaternaire. ENS Lyon, France

2021: Revue méthodologique du clumped isotope et nouvelle combinaison de proxy (Mg/Ca- D47- d18O) pour reconstruire les interactions climatiques passées. IFREMER, Brest, France

2020: Marine palaeothermometry over the last 2 Ma.VUB, Bruxelles, Belgique

2020: Les effets du pH sur les mesures de clumped isotope dans les foraminifères. LSCE, Université de Paris Saclay, France

2019: Le thermomètre clumped isotope dans les foraminifères : méthodologie et application à la transition du Pléistocène moyen. IFREMER et Université de Brest, France

2019: Calibration du thermomètre clumped isotope dans les foraminifères et son application au Pléistocène moyen dans le Golfe de Tarente. EPOC, Université de Bordeaux, France

2018: Calibration du clumped isotope dans les foraminifères planctoniques et benthiques. CEREGE, Université Aix-Marseille, France

2017: Le clumped isotope dans les foraminifères : méthodologie et calibration. Université d'Angers, France

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