Outreach & Services


Reviewer for Geochemical et Cosmochemica Acta, Chemical Geology, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, and Climate of the Past

Since 2020 - In charge of the new AMGC website, VUB
2017 - Co-organisation of the International Clumped-Isotope Workshop, Paris
2017-2018 - Organisation of the PhD day at LSCE, University of Paris-Saclay
2016 - 2018 - Organisation of monthly scientific seminars at LSCE (University of Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA)


2021 - Participation of ArcPig Schoolworkshops, VUB, Belgium

2016-2017 - Co-organisation of "fête de la science" at LSCE, University of Paris-Saclay - setting up of scientific experiments for kids and family

2014 & 2016 - Organisation and initiator of the "Intergeol weekend" with the French Geological Society (SGF), secretary and treasurer - geological weekends for students and professionals

2011-2015 - Geological field trips for high and middle schools with French society in scientific mediation (Cap Terre)

2010-2014 - Initiator and president of the geosciences student associations at the University of Bordeaux (AMBIGU) - geological and biological field trips organisation

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